BUFFALO, ELEPHANT, & BONGO Alone in the Savannas and Rain Forests of the Cameroon
by Reinald von Meurers
Volume 26 in Safari Press’s Classics in African Hunting Series

1999 Long Beach, 233pp, 32 pages of color and b&w photos, 6×9, hardcover
1st edn, ltd to 1000 signed, numbered, & slipcased copies.
ISBN: 978-1-57157-085-7

Many people have been on safari but few have been on safari alone! Dr. Reinald von Meurers’s record is unique: He has been on twenty-five self-guided hunts in the Cameroon; he has hunted from Lake Chad to the border of the Congo; and he has gone after elephant, bongo, buffalo, and a host of other animals over a period of nearly two decades. Follow him as he faces bull elephant deep in the rain forest (more than twenty miles by foot to the nearest village); is threatened by a large gorilla; floats for several weeks down a remote river in search of new hunting grounds; bags forest rarities like sitatunga, giant forest hog, and bushpig; hunts for a record-book dwarf buffalo; avoids snakes and stinging honey bees; and in general has the time of his life hunting solo in one of the most remote areas left on this earth. Illustrated with dozens of pictures, this book is an antidote for those tired of reading the usual safari story.

Wenige Exemplare BUFFALO, ELEPHANT, & BONGO sind noch verfügbar (45 €)! Als Autor schreibe ich auf Wunsch gern eine persönliche Widmung hinein, wenn Sie es verschenken wollen.

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